Medium Story Roundup (Week of July 7, 2024)

Steven Toews, JD, MBA

A curated selection of Medium posts from this week

This week's been a productive one for me on Medium. Here's a sample of what I've published since Sunday, July 7.

Recent stories

This Is The Email I Send To New Freelance Clients To Clarify Our Agreements

It prevents disputes and gets me paid, on time and in full

Should Freelancers Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements?

The downsides of freelance NDAs and what to do about them

How To Market Your Premium Freelance Writing Service

Some techniques for setting yourself apart from the competition

As always, it's been a pleasure writing for you this week. I look forward to doing it again!

PS: I've launched a brand-new publication on Medium called Platforms, Freelancing, and Work. It's pretty self-explanatory. Feel free to click that link and give it a follow if it appeals to you.

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An Untethered Life

A weekly newsletter for working professionals seeking to increase income and personal fulfillment with online writing.

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